6 Smile Flaws Easily Remedied with Dental Veneers

Jul 31, 2024
6 Smile Flaws Easily Remedied with Dental Veneers
Studies show that a confident smile engenders goodwill, imparts an aura of good health and success, and may even lower your blood pressure. But if gaps or yellowed teeth have you grinning through closed lips, the solution may be as simple as dental veneers

A self-assured smile is among the first things people notice about you. Even if Mother Nature didn’t bless you with perfect pearly whites, you can still have them. You just need a top-notch dentist like Shara Miller, DDS, and her team

Dr. Miller offers a full menu of cosmetic dental services from Invisalign® to complete smile makeovers at her practice in Midtown Manhattan and the South Beach section of Miami, FL. One of the most popular and versatile cosmetic treatments is veneers.

Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells bonded securely to the fronts of your teeth to cover a range of imperfections.

Here are the top flaws Dr. Miller’s patients fix with veneers:

1. Minor misalignments

If your teeth are crooked, you may think braces are your only option. They’re not. Veneers can cover up several imperfections, including misalignment. Veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth to create a straighter smile without the pain, expense, and time-commitment braces. With veneers, your smile can be made picture-perfect in just two visits.

2. Dull or yellow teeth

Teeth whitening treatment offers excellent results. However, whitening, even professional teeth whitening treatments, can’t brighten all stains. If you have deep stains caused by injury, fluoride, or antibiotics, veneers are your best option.

The thin porcelain shells cover up stains that whitening agents can’t remove. Bonus: Veneers are stain-resistant. 

3. Chipped teeth

Veneers are an ideal fix for chipped teeth. We can create one veneer for your chipped tooth to match the color of the rest of your teeth so no one will know.

4. Cracked teeth

Veneers can also hide cracks. The veneer and special dental cement provide a durable hold to support a cracked tooth, helping to prevent further damage. 

5. Gaps between teeth

Instead of using braces to move teeth to fill gaps between teeth, veneers can simply hide the spaces. We custom-shape each porcelain shell to fit perfectly on your teeth while filling spaces for a seamless smile.

6. Gummy smile

Veneers can also correct a gummy smile. We can create longer veneers to enhance the shape of your teeth, which balances your smile and makes it more aesthetically pleasing.

If you’re ready to remedy your smile's flaws, book a consultation today with a board-certified dentist at the office of Shara Miller, DDS. The practice has two locations in the South Beach section of Miami, FL, and Midtown Manhattan, NY.